Boys of Fall: Distance album review

“…a comprehensive album that’s actually meant to go together and not just a random collection of songs by the same artist” Boys of Fallphoto: Facebook/John Fleischmann review by Vickey Ziegler I’m going to be very candid, and informal with you,...

American Utopia movie review

The movie of American Utopia, based on the concert tour by new wave pioneer and ex-Talking Heads frontman David Byrne. review by Jordan Lamash Directed by: Spike LeeRelease Date: Oct. 17, 2020Network: HBOLength: 1h 45min Back in 2018, new wave pioneer and ex-Talking...

Ariana Grande Positions album review

“I listened to it again on my drive home to see if a change in acoustics and scenery would change my initial reaction…” Ariana Grande at the 2020 Grammysphoto: Cosmopolitan UK, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia...